Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What's the best ab exercise I can do?

I get so many questions on how to do ab exercises and how to get a six pack. First off it is so hard to get a six pack especially if you need to lose more than 5-10lbs. If you are looking for a lot of weight loss you shouldn't be thinking about a six pack until you drop your weight a significant amount. That doesn't mean you don't workout your abdominals it just means it should be a concern that you can't see your abs.

I think the best ab exercises whether you are working on a six pack or just working are ones that use other muscles as well. For example a crunch just isolates the abs and works nothing else. Chances are you've done crunches for a long time and they aren't really a challenge. Try performing different exercises that your body isn't use to and that require a lot of work for the entire body. One of my favorite exercises is the Stability Ball Mountain Climber. Not only are you working your abs but you are working your arms, shoulders, chest, and hips at the same time.

To perform the exercise start with a stability ball against a wall. Place your hands on the ball and straighten your legs so you look like you are going to do a push up. Then slowly raise one knee and try and touch your elbow. Put your foot back down and alternate sides. The slower you go the tougher it is. If you need more of a challenge move the ball away from the wall.
