Monday, November 26, 2007

Question: How much should I be stretching?

The amount that I person needs to stretch will generally depend on the individual. Usually if you hate stretching you need to be doing more of it. Everyone, however, even if you are more flexible should be stretching. Your stretching routine can help reduce pain and improve performance. You most likely do not need to stretch every muscle in your body. Focus on the ones that are tight and causing muscle imbalances. This will save a lot of time. To determine which muscles are tight you should perform a posture assessment. You should contact a personal trainer who is educated in this. He will help determine which muscles are tight and which muscle are stretched out. Once you figure out what you should be stretching you can put together a daily routine. It should be daily to see maximal results. Always warm up prior to stretching. You routine should be progressive just like any other program. Start with 1-2 sets of stretches that are held for 15-20 secs. Gradually you can build up to 2-3 sets for 30 secs. Just like all parts of a fitness program you must be consistent to see the best results.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thanksgiving is one of the most celebrated over-eating days in America. Most Americans will gain 2-6lbs over the holidays. Even if you are eating small portions it is still possible to over eat. Below is a list of popular Thanksgiving foods at reasonable portions. It is amazing how fast it can add up. You body can only handle about 700 calories at a time. The rest will be stored as fat. Be as active as possible during the holidays.

1 Glass of wine………………………….120 calories
1 oz of potato chips……………………..150 calories
1 tablespoon of dip……………………...75 calories
3 cups of salad with diet dressing………100 calories
6 oz of cured ham……………………….300 calories
6 oz of turkey……………………………340 calories
½ cup of cranberry sauce………………..190 calories
½ cup of stuffing………………………...180 calories
½ cup of mashed potatoes……………….150 calories
½ cup of gravy…………………………...150 calories
½ cup of green bean casserole…………...225 calories
½ cup of candied sweet potatoes………...150 calories
1 dinner roll with butter………………….155 calories
1 piece of apple pie………………………410 calories
½ cup of ice cream………………………145 calories
1 cup of coffee with cream and sugar…...50 calories
For a Grand Total of 2,890 calories
Fun to eat but would take walking approx. 28.9 miles to burn off.