Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Question: I have had lower back pain for many years now, but do enjoy weight training. Should I be exercising with a back brace to help with the pain?


Braces do serve a purpose to relieve pain but they should not be used during weight training unless you are a power lifting attempting a maximum weight. The most common reason that you have lower back pain is from weak core muscles. While the belt or brace may reduce pain when lifting by supporting the spine it is not helping removing the pain for good. Not only that it might eventually make the pain worse. If you are using a belt while lifting then you are not using any core muscle to support your spine. This means while the rest of your body may be getting strong the most important part is getting weaker due to not using it. Your body is equipped with a natural weight belt that should be used instead. The transverse abdominal are the inner abs that surround the spine and control the stability of the spine. These muscles are activated by pulling your navel in towards your spine and holding it. By strengthening these muscles you will improve spine stabilization and reduce pain. For examples of these core exercises please send me an email.
