Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What is the best protein shake to take when I workout?

There are literally hundreds and hundreds of different protein supplements out there and yes some are better than others. Please review my earlier post on protein shakes and remember protein does not just magically build muscle. But taking a shake before and/or after a workout can significantly help with recovery. Research has show that a combination of whey protein isolate and casein protein will aid in recovery and muscle synthesis the most. When reading the ingredients look for these two items to be listed first. Also, look for a powder than is low in fat since fat will interfere with protein digestion. Finally remember carbs are not the enemy. You do want some carbs in your protein shake just be careful not to get one with too much sugar. A couple of grams is ok though. A few companies that I have used and can recommend are IDS and Cytosport. Below is a link for a $5 coupon on a $100 purchase at bodybuilding.com. Enjoy.

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