Tips For Protein Intake:
Why do I need Protein?
Protein is one of the most essential nutrients that you need. Proteins are considered the building block for all tissue in the body. They play a key role with blood clotting, fluid balance, production of hormones, vision, immunity, and cell repair. Proteins are made up of amino acids. Some amino acids are produced by the body while others must be obtained through food. Proteins can be found in both plant and animal food, however, animal food (meat) contains all nine essential proteins in larger amounts.
How much Protein should I get?
Protein levels will vary from individual to individual. Protein should ideally make up 15-30% of one's diet. The recommended daily allowance for a healthy adult will be 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. For an individual who weights 160lbs you would use the following formula: 160/2.2=72.72 72.72X.8=58grams of protein a day. If an individual is trying to lose weight, gain weight, pregnant, or an adolescent growing more protein may be required (about 1.2 - 1.8 gm/kg/day). Athletes will require the most amount but should not exceed 2 gm/kg/day.
Can I have too much Protein?
Protein is different than fats and carbohydrates in that the body cannot store it. It does not have a reserve of protein it can call on if it needs it. This means that if you do not use all of the protein that you eat you will pass the remains in your urine. Research has not concluded that this extra protein intake is harmful but it may be possible that it will lead to kidney problems, bone deteriation, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.
When is the best time to get Protein?
In order to keep your body in an anabolic state and protein synthesis protein should be consumed a few times throughout the day. If working out regularly a small amount of protein should be taken right before a workout if possible. Immediately following a workout (withing 30 minutes) its is a good idea to get a large amount of protein combined with carbohydrates to help the body recover faster and grow stronger.
If you have any other questions about protein please email me.
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