Friday, April 07, 2006

Q: How does caffeine affect my training?

Dear Mike,

I drink a lot of coffee and coke. Is this bad?

--Christine, Carlsbad



Caffeine is a drug in the stimulant category and needs to be monitored in your diet. Since caffeine is a stimulant it will increase your heart rate and blood pressure. If you add exercise on top of this then your heart rate and blood pressure will increase even more so you need to be aware of how high it may get. The reason so many individuals use caffeine is to help delay fatigue throughout their workout routine. While caffeine will help with this it is important to remember that your body is tired for a reason and needs proper recovery. Caffeine will only hide the fact that you are run down it will not sure it. Caffeine is alright in moderation but it should not be a regular part of your exercise routine where you rely on it for energy. I hope this information will help with your workouts.

Good luck,



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